lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

AMERICAN FOOTBALL          vs          RUGBY


We are going to discuss the differences between American football and Rugby:

- Field dimensions
- Protection
- Objectives
- Rules 
- Leagues and competitions


Rugby Field: A typical Rugby field is between 91-100 meters long and 65-70 meters wide not including the end zone. Important markings on the field include a line at midfield, at the 22nd, 10th and 5 meter marks, and to mark the endzone. Also there are two lines parrallel to the side lines that strech 15 meters infield and 5 meters out near the end zones. You can see this better in this picture.

Rugby posts

The american football field is 100 yards (92 meters) long not inlcuding the endzones which add 20 more yards from endline to end line, and it is 57 yards (52 meters) long. There are lines that cross the field from the sidelines every 5 yards along with dash marks every yard. This is used so the players can gage distance on the field. Also there are fieldgoals very similar to those of rugby located on the outline in the endzone. You can see this better in this picture. 

                                                                  Football Fieldgoals

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